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Vishal Chanana

AIAA member ID: 505659


Name: Vishal Chanana

Position at AIAA HKUST Student Branch: Vice President (internal)

School: School of Engineering

Program: BEng

Department: Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Year: 2



Since my childhood, I was fascinated by the world of aviation. This field ignites inquisitiveness, curiosity and interest in me. In childhood, my grandfather, being ground staff in a local airline would often take me to tour the cockpit, which left me astounded and from that point on my interest began to grow stronger, ultimately having a desire to work in the aviation industry. My fascination grew when I started to learn about the aeronautics industry by reading articles, journals and through Internet.


In my first air journey I was flabbergasted looking at the size of the plane, the roaring engines and the journey itself.  My first experience was totally breathtaking.


By joining the AIAA student branch, I hope I can get more exposure to the industry as well as the professionals in the aeronautics industry. Also, I wish to inspire and motivate future engineers to join this industry.

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